Concerned About a Tufts Student?

If you’re concerned about a Tufts student, please let us know by filling out this form.

Once we receive the form, we will typically reach out to the student, invite them to meet with us, and help them connect to the appropriate supports. If your concerns are best addressed by another office, we may pass along the information to the appropriate campus partner. 

We typically work directly with students, and encourage families and others to support their students by letting them take primary ownership of both the challenges they face and the solutions they develop. Effectively teaching self-sufficiency and independent decision-making requires us to give students room to practice those skills. We also see students become more confident, less anxious, and better prepared to succeed in the future when they trust themselves to handle complex situations. 
Due to our need to respect student privacy, we are also limited in what we can share back with others about our work with individual students. While we may not be able to share details about our work with a student, please know that we care deeply about our students as people, and approach our work together with thoughtfulness and care.