The StAAR Center works collaboratively with faculty and staff on supporting students through accommodations for students with disabilities, in addition to academic and writing support for all students.

This resources page is designed to give faculty and staff access to stand-alone resources and tools to use at their convenience.

Supporting All Learners

If you see a student struggling with course material, staying on top of their work, or completing writing assignments, please refer that student to the StAAR Center. We offer a variety of support for students including academic success coaching, peer tutoring, writing support, and specific academic and writing skills workshops. We also have resources specific to graduate students.

As partners in student success, the StAAR Center also asks you to inform your students of our supports, even if they don't appear to be struggling. For example, you can include this StAAR Resource Statement in your class syllabus, in addition to informing students about StAAR in your class and/or office hours.

Supporting Students with Disabilities

The StAAR Center recognizes the pivotal role that faculty and staff play in supporting students with disabilities. The StAAR Center approves accommodations for students which are designed to eliminate access barriers that students experience while at Tufts. To discuss concerns around your students and their accommodations, or for clarification of your responsibilities, please contact us.

As partners in student success, the StAAR Center asks you to inform your students of our resources, even if they don't appear to be struggling. Please include this StAAR Disability Support Statement in your class syllabus, in addition to informing students about StAAR in your class and/or office hours.

Please also review these additional resources:

Additional Resources

Universal Design for Learning Fellows Program

The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Fellows Program is a year-long program that provides Tufts faculty with dedicated space and time to infuse the principles of UDL into their courses, with the goal of increasing access for all students. For more information, please contact Kirsten Behling, Associate Dean of the StAAR Center.

Digital Accessibility Policies and Training

Tufts is committed to making online content available to all.

For more information on Tufts' Digital Accessibility Policies please click the appropriate links below:

For training and resources for digital accessibility, please visit the Training and Resources for Accessibility page for faculty and staff.

Career Services Disability Support

Learn how to disclose your disability in a workplace environment

For additional information, please visit the Career Center or contact Jess White, the Senior Associate Director of Accessibility Services.