Summer Break


There are two academic sessions over the summer.  You can choose to enroll in courses or participate in a Tufts program over the summer. 


Living on campus over the summer is limited to only students who meet eligibility criteria below. All other students live off-campus during the summer.


During Summer Session 1 and Summer Session 2, Dewick-MacPhie Dining Center will be operating. Students may purchase a summer meal plan.

If you are leaving...

All undergraduate and graduate students who reside on campus but are not graduating and do not have an on-campus summer housing assignment must move out 24 hours or less after the end of their last scheduled final exam or review board, or by noon on May 10, whichever comes first.  

Graduating students who live on campus and are participating in Commencement must check out by noon on May 19. 

Each student who lives on campus is required to remove all belongings from their space and common spaces and complete a departure checklist. Further details about the departure procedure will be provided via email in March

We are planning for a zero landfill move-out!  Residential Life, Sustainability, Facilities, and others are working together to provide convenient opportunities for students who live on campus and off campus to donate or recycle food, clothes, furniture, and other items that other people can use.  Additionally, storage options are available for people who want to store belongings in the Boston area while they travel over the summer.  Further details will be provided in March

Students who live off-campus are encouraged to carefully plan their move-out, particularly given new rules municipalities have enacted that prohibit sending mattresses to a landfill and impose fees on other bulk-size trash. See new mattress recycling information for Somerville and Medford.

Students interested in summer subletting off-campus are encouraged to use to either post an available sublet or inquire about moving into a sublet. 

Move-in for continuing students who have a fall 2025 housing assignment will be August 31. More information about early arrival opportunities will be available in June 2025.

If you are staying...

Summer Housing

Two groups of students are eligible for summer housing: 

  • Students who are enrolled in in-person summer courses or doing an in-person research experience at Tufts and want to live on campus to participate in that academic program.
  • Students who are enrolled in spring 2025 and fall 2025, are not taking any summer 2025 courses, but are doing an internship or holding a job in the Boston area over the summer. 

Housing For Students Enrolled in an In-person Summer Course or Research Experience at Tufts 

Summer session housing will be available in The Court at Professor’s Row. Summer housing has air conditioning provided at no additional cost.

Students who live in academic summer housing can expect a familiar on-campus living experience with other Tufts students doing academic work. There are summer staff in the residence halls who provide social connection and programming opportunities. 

Summer rent and a summer meal plan (if you choose one) will be billed via your SIS account.

Sign-up Process

  1. Enroll in the coursework in SIS or get confirmation from your research supervisor of your research plan this summer. Residential Life will verify your enrollment or research status before approving your housing application.
  2. Sign up for summer housing when application becomes available mid-to-late February.
  3. Residential Life will notify you of your summer housing assignment in late April. 

Housing For Students Not Doing Coursework or Research at Tufts Over the Summer 

Students who are not taking courses or performing research at Tufts over the summer may choose to sign up for summer intern housing. Both Tufts students and people who study or attend other universities who are doing internships in Boston are eligible to sign up for this option. Further information about summer intern housing will be available in March. 

Explore Summer Intern Housing


During summer session 1 and summer session 2, Dewick-MacPhie Dining Center will be operating. Any student who is interested may purchase a summer meal plan, whether they are living on campus or not. Students without a meal plan can also purchase meals at Dewick or Hotung Cafe via JumboCash or personal funds. 

More information about summer meal plans, including their costs and how to purchase them, are available from Tufts Dining

Exceptional Support 

In general, Tufts does not provide housing, dining, or other services to students who are not enrolled, and financial aid packages are designed to support students during the fall and spring terms. Students who are not enrolled over the summer are expected to plan ahead to make housing, food access, and other logistical arrangements on their own. 

  • Housing: Many students stay with family or friends over the summer. Sub-leasing a room or an apartment near campus is also an option.
  • Meals: The dining halls are open during the summer academic terms.  Meal plans are available for purchase, to any student, whether they live on campus over the summer or not. Many students use their summer income to support their meals and other daily living expenses during the summer.
  • Financial Aid and Income: Because financial aid is designed to address the cost of attending Tufts, it is targeted to the period of time that you are enrolled and does not cover summer and other periods when you are not enrolled. Accordingly, many students choose to earn income over the summer from internships, jobs, freelancing, or creative work. Students often earn enough to both cover their summer expenses (e.g., housing, food, transportation) and also save some money for the following academic year.  Consult with the Career Center and check out the job and internship listings on Handshake to get started.
  • Medical Services and Health Insurance: Students who participate in the UnitedHealthCare Student Resources insurance plan in the 2024-25 academic year have coverage that will last throughout the summer, and that can be used many places around the country when away from campus. Check out more details about Student Health Insurance. The Health Service and CMHS are open during the summer, though they occasionally have more limited hours than during the year. Consult with your clinician to make a plan for any ongoing medical needs over the summer. In some cases, it may be possible to continue seeing them via telehealth while you are away from campus. In other cases, it might be more appropriate to be referred to a provider in proximity to where you will be staying over the summer. 

Request Exceptional Summer Housing

You are welcome to contact the Dean of Students Office at 617-627-3158 or, to consult with our team as you build your summer plan.  

Employment Over Summer 

Summer is a great time to get experience, apply your skills, and find meaningful ways to contribute.  Students who are in the Medford/Somerville area over the summer might be interested in working on campus. All jobs on campus pay at least $15 per hour. Certain positions in the Office of Residential Life, in Conference and Event Services, and in University College offer free or reduced-cost summer housing as compensation. Positions with Tufts Dining include a free meal or snack for every shift of two hours or more worked. Students who are interested in working on campus over the summer are encouraged to check out: