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2021 Policy Exceptions

Given the extraordinary pedagogical changes made in the middle of the Spring 2020 semester at Tufts and around the world, the following exceptional measures for undergraduate students have been established for Spring 2020, with additional exceptional measures made in Summer 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, and Summer 2021 in some cases, via faculty vote in Arts and Sciences (including SMFA) and Engineering.

Please note that the items below are the only exceptions established to regular academic policies and deadlines, and that they are only in effect for the terms noted below. All other policies remain in full effect. Undergraduate students may direct specific academic questions to their Advising Dean (Arts and Sciences BA/BSArts and Sciences BFA, or Engineering).

Please note that these policy changes do not apply to BFA and Combined Degree students’ studio coursework, which will continue to be graded on a Credit (CR)/No Credit (NC) basis.

These policy changes also do not apply to graduate and professional students, who should consult their advisors and program directors for specific academic questions.

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Spring 2020

Extend Academic Deadlines

  • The deadline for undergraduates to Withdraw from a Spring 2020 course is now April 27, 2020, at 11:59 p.m. EDT, the last day of classes. (Previously, this deadline was April 1, 2020.)
  • The deadline for undergraduates to select Pass/Fail grading for Spring 2020 courses is now April 27, 2020, at 11:59 p.m. EDT. (Previously, this deadline was April 1, 2020.) All grades of P (Pass) will be changed to EP (Exceptional Pass) for Spring 2020 (see below).

These deadlines have been extended to provide students more time to experience the online learning environment, and for faculty to provide assessment and feedback.

Pass/Fail Grading Option

  • For Spring 2020 only, a new grade of EP (Exceptional Pass) has been established, encompassing all grades from A+ through D-. The grade of F will remain, and an F and will be factored into a student’s GPA. EP will confer credit but no grade points for GPA calculation and will fulfill all degree requirements, including those for concentration or major. Undergraduate students may elect EP for any or all of their courses for Spring 2020. The default option for all students will remain letter grading or the grading system in which the course was set up (e.g., P/F. CR/NC, S/U, etc.). Students who have already selected the Pass/Fail option will automatically have a P grade changed to EP. The deadline to opt in for EP/F grading is April 27, 2020.

Additional Information: EP Grades

  • The EP grading process will work almost exactly as the current process by which undergraduates elect Pass/Fail grading: a student must fill out the usual online Pass/Fail Petition by the deadline, identifying the specific course; the professor does not know which students have selected this option; when the professor enters the letter grade, SIS converts passing grades to EP, while F stays F. The original letter grade is viewable in SIS by staff; the grade of EP will appear on the unofficial and official transcript.
  • Courses that were originally set up with Pass/Fail as the only grading option (e.g., Physical Education courses) will continue to be graded as P/F and will appear as such on the student’s transcript. For all students who have already selected the P/F option in lieu of letter grades, the P will automatically be changed to EP
  • Students who elect EP/F grading will not be able to later request reversion to the letter grade.
  • Academic standing for the Spring 2020 will be determined by grades and credits posted on the transcript, not the underlying grade that may be obscured by EP; however, in the case of an appeal of an academic standing decision, the assigned grades may be viewed and brought into consideration, especially if it is to the benefit of the student.
  • Students who have elected EP grading cannot request letter grades to be revealed for purposes of Latin Honors.

Waivers to Transfer Credit Policies

  • Online Tufts courses completed in Spring 2020 will not be counted toward the current limit of online Tufts credits that may be applied toward graduation.
  • For courses taken elsewhere (including approved external programs abroad) in Spring 2020, the policy which prohibits transfer of credit for online courses will be waived. Tufts will accept transfer of credit for courses taken by undergraduates at other approved institutions that were suddenly switched to online or remote modalities or otherwise conducted or completed online in Spring 2020. We extend this waiver to online courses completed by admitted transfer students during the Spring 2020. All the other transfer of credit policies will remain in effect.
  • The deans and Registrar will be granted discretion in accepting for transfer of credit coursework completed with a “Pass” or equivalent by Tufts students at other institutions that in Spring 2020 adopted a mandatory Pass/Fail grading scheme.
  • Tufts will allow matriculated students to transfer credit from community college courses completed in Spring 2020.

Academic Standing Spring 2020*

  • Academic Alert: The criteria for being placed on Academic Alert have not changed for Spring 2020. Any student who earns fewer than 12 credits but more than 4 credits and/or fails one course of any credit value will receive an Academic Alert.
  • Academic Probation: Any student who earns 4 credits or fewer and/or who fails to make satisfactory academic progress as defined by the number of credits earned at the end of any semester beyond their first semester as defined in this table will be eligible for Academic Probation for Spring 2020, as determined by the appropriate faculty committee for academic standing. For Spring 2020 only, there will be no minimum 2.0 term GPA criteria.
  • Students currently on Academic Probation or returning from a Required Withdrawal semester: Any student currently already placed on Academic Probation is required to complete a minimum of 12 credits and pass all of their classes for Spring 2020, as well as make satisfactory academic progress as defined in this table. For Spring 2020 only, there will be no minimum 2.0 term GPA criteria.

Academic Honors Spring 2020*

* This information applies to Arts and Sciences BA/BS and Engineering students only, Arts and Sciences BFA students should consult the Arts and Sciences BFA Advising website.

Summer 2020

Waivers to Transfer Credit Policies

  • Online Tufts courses completed in Summer 2020 will not be counted toward the current limit of online Tufts credits that may be applied toward graduation.
  • For courses taken elsewhere in Summer 2020, the policy which prohibits transfer of credit for online courses will be waived. Tufts will accept transfer of credit for courses taken by undergraduates at other approved institutions that were suddenly switched to online or remote modalities or otherwise conducted or completed online in Summer 2020. We extend this waiver to online courses completed by admitted transfer students during Summer 2020. All the other transfer of credit policies will remain in effect.
  • Tufts will allow matriculated students to transfer credit from community college courses completed in Summer 2020.

Fall 2020

Waivers to Transfer Credit Policies

  • Online Tufts courses completed Fall 2020 will not be counted toward the current limit of online Tufts credits that may be applied toward graduation.
  • For courses taken elsewhere in Fall 2020, the policy which prohibits transfer of credit for online courses will be waived. Tufts will accept transfer of credit for courses taken by undergraduates at other approved institutions that were conducted in a hybrid or completely online modality in Fall 2020. We extend this waiver to online and hybrid courses completed by admitted transfer students during Fall 2020. All the other transfer of credit policies will remain in effect.
  • Tufts will allow matriculated students to transfer credit from community college courses completed in Fall 2020.

Fall 2020 Exceptional Residency Requirement Waiver

  • For any student who enrolls full-time at Tufts in Fall 2020, the 8-semester residency requirement will be waived. Instead, students will be required to complete six full-time semesters, after which they may opt for early degree completion or enroll on a part-time basis. Two of the six full-time semesters can be at other approved institutions or on approved external study abroad programs.
  • This policy does not apply to transfer students, who must complete at least four full-time semesters, or students in the Resumed Education for Adult Learners (REAL) Program, who are exempt from the residency requirement.
  • Full-time enrollment in Fall 2020 means that a student attempted at least credits at Tufts University (either in-person or remotely). Students that are granted a reduced course load accommodation by the StAAR Center in Fall 2020 will be able to count that as a full-time semester.
  • Students may not combine the Fall 2020 exceptional residency waiver with pre-matriculation or Tufts summer credits to graduate in fewer than six full-time semesters.

Pass/Fail Grading Option

  • For Fall 2020, the Exceptional Pass/Fail (EP/F) grading method has been reinstated. EP encompasses all grades from A+ through D-. The grade of F will remain, and an F and will be factored into a student’s GPA. EP will confer credit but no grade points for GPA calculation and will fulfill all degree requirements, including those for concentration or major. Undergraduate students may elect EP for any or all of their courses for Fall 2020. The default option for all students will remain letter grading or the grading system in which the course was set up (e.g., P/F. CR/NC, S/U, etc.). The deadline to opt in for EP/F grading is 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time) on December 11, 2020.

Additional Information: EP Grades

  • The EP grading process will work almost exactly as the current process by which undergraduates elect Pass/Fail grading: a student must fill out the usual online Pass/Fail Petition by the deadline, identifying the specific course; the professor does not know which students have selected this option; when the professor enters the letter grade, SIS converts passing grades to EP, while F stays F. The original letter grade is viewable in SIS by staff; the grade of EP will appear on the unofficial and official transcript.
  • Courses that were originally set up with Pass/Fail as the only grading option (e.g., Physical Education courses) will continue to be graded as P/F and will appear as such on the student’s transcript.
  • Students who elect EP/F grading will not be able to later request reversion to the letter grade.

Academic Standing Fall 2020*

  • Academic Alert: The criteria for being placed on Academic Alert have not changed for Fall 2020. Any student who earns fewer than 12 credits but more than 4 credits and/or fails one course of any credit value will receive an Academic Alert.
  • Academic Probation: Any student who earns 4 credits or fewer and/or who fails to make satisfactory academic progress as defined by the number of credits earned at the end of any semester beyond their first semester as defined in this table will be eligible for Academic Probation for Fall 2020, as determined by the appropriate faculty committee for academic standing. For Fall 2020, there will be no minimum 2.0 term GPA criteria.
  • Students currently on Academic Probation or returning from a Required Withdrawal semester: Any student currently already placed on Academic Probation is required to complete a minimum of 12 credits and pass all of their classes for Fall 2020, as well as make satisfactory academic progress as defined in this table. For Fall 2020, there will be no minimum 2.0 term GPA criteria.

Academic Honors Fall 2020*

*This information applies to Arts and Sciences BA/BS and Engineering students only, Arts and Sciences BFA students should consult the Arts and Sciences BFA Advising website.

Spring 2021

Waivers to Transfer Credit Policies

  • Online Tufts courses completed Spring 2021 will not be counted toward the current limit of online Tufts credits that may be applied toward graduation.
  • For courses taken elsewhere in Spring 2021, the policy which prohibits transfer of credit for online courses will be waived. Tufts will accept transfer of credit for courses taken by undergraduates at other approved institutions that were conducted in a hybrid or completely online modality in Spring 2021. We extend this waiver to online and hybrid courses completed by admitted transfer students during Spring 2021. All the other transfer of credit policies will remain in effect.
  • Tufts will allow matriculated students to transfer credit from community college courses completed in Spring 2021.
  • Students planning to take 1-11 credits at another university should take a personal leave of absence for the semester. Students planning to take 12 or more credits at another university should take a study in home country leave of absence for the semester.

Pass/Fail Grading Option

  • For Spring 2021, the Exceptional Pass/Fail (EP/F) grading method has been reinstated. EP encompasses all grades from A+ through D–. The grade of F will remain, and an F and will be factored into a student's GPA. EP will confer credit but no grade points for GPA calculation and will fulfill all degree requirements, including those for concentration or major. Undergraduate students may elect EP for any or all of their courses for Spring 2021. The default option for all students will remain letter grading or the grading system in which the course was set up (e.g., P/F. CR/NC, S/U, etc.).
  • The deadline to opt in for EP/F grading is 3 p.m. (Eastern Time) on May 5, 2021. Note that this deadline is earlier than previous semesters to allow students to contact Student Services during business hours if they encounter an error with the form.
  • Petitions will not be reviewed for students who miss the deadline to opt into EP/F.
  • The ASE faculty expect and intend that EP/F will not be used in subsequent semesters after Spring 2021.

Additional Information: EP Grades

  • The EP grading process will be similar to the current process by which undergraduates elect Pass/Fail grading: a student must fill out the usual online Pass/Fail Petition by the deadline, identifying the specific course; the professor does not know which students have selected this option; when the professor enters the letter grade, SIS converts passing grades to EP, while F stays F. The original letter grade is viewable in SIS by staff; the grade of EP will appear on the unofficial and official transcript.
  • Courses that were originally set up with Pass/Fail as the only grading option (e.g., Physical Education courses) will continue to be graded as P/F and will appear as such on the student's transcript.
  • Students who elect EP/F grading will not be able to later request reversion to the letter grade.

Academic Standing Spring 2021*

Academic Honors Spring 2021*

*This information applies to Arts and Sciences BA/BS and Engineering students only, Arts and Sciences BFA students should consult the Arts and Sciences BFA Advising web page.

Summer 2021

Waivers to Transfer Credit Policies

  • Online Tufts courses completed Summer 2021 will not be counted toward the current limit of online Tufts credits that may be applied toward graduation.
  • For courses taken elsewhere in Summer 2021, the policy which prohibits transfer of credit for online courses will be waived. Tufts will accept transfer of credit for courses taken by undergraduates at other approved institutions that were conducted in a hybrid or completely online modality in Summer 2021. We extend this waiver to online and hybrid courses completed by admitted transfer students during Summer 2021. All the other transfer of credit policies will remain in effect.
  • Tufts will allow matriculated students to transfer credit from community college courses completed in Summer 2021.

Academic and Advising FAQs for Students: Spring 2020 - Summer 2021

General Information

  • Advising staff will continue to offer virtual appointments by phone, Zoom, WebEx, or other platforms during the Spring semester. Please confirm directly with your advisor how they intend to speak with you. If you have a quick question or a general concern that can be addressed via email, please consider reaching out to your advisor with an email instead of scheduling an advising meeting and allow 48 business hours for a response.

  • If you are struggling with your coursework, please contact your Advising Dean directly.

  • Please refer to your course syllabus for course policies on deadlines. We encourage you to communicate directly with your professor about your circumstances to see what arrangements can be made with them. If your instructor requires medical documentation, please submit that to your Advising Dean, who will communicate with your instructor to protect your privacy.

Exceptional Pass/Fail Information Spring 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021

  • Yes, any course graded under the EP/F option can be used to satisfy any degree requirement, including any Foundation, Distribution, major, or minor requirement.

    For School of Engineering students, courses graded under the EP/F option satisfy all ABET degree requirements.

  • No, any courses in Spring 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021 taken under the EP/F grading structure will not count toward the maximum P/F grades allowed.

  • EP/F courses will not contribute toward the cumulative or term GPA if passed; any course with a grade of F will contribute toward both your cumulative and term GPA.

  • If you earn a grade of EP, which means you passed the course, you would not be permitted to repeat the course for credit/a letter grade at a later time. If you earn a grade of F, you are permitted to repeat the course for credit and a letter grade.

  • No, by clicking submit on the form, you have acknowledged that this is a final decision and the grading methods for the course cannot be changed.

  • Any courses that are required to ordinarily be Pass/Fail will remain Pass/Fail.

  • No, the only opportunity for an exemption from English 2 is to take English 1 for a letter grade and earn a final grade of A or A-.

    *If you opt to take English 1 as EP/F, you can’t later decide to undo the EP/F for a letter grade.

  • No, Studio Art courses will remain graded on a Credit/No Credit system

  • Yes.

  • Yes, all students in all SoE degree programs may take more than one course as EP/F. There is no limit to how many of your Spring 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021 courses you can take EP/F.

  • Yes, all students may take more than one course as EP/F. There is no limit to how many of your Spring 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021 courses you can take EP/F.

  • EP/F is meant for extenuating circumstances that impact a student's academics. It is not meant for students to manage their GPA to make it as high as possible. For many post-graduate opportunities, including jobs and graduate school, students should be prepared to explain their rationale for selecting EP/F. Students should avoid taking courses EP/F that will be required for graduate programs or courses that teach knowledge and skills that may be expected for a future job. As a reminder, once EP/F is selected for a course the original grade cannot be revealed on the transcript. You also cannot repeat a course at Tufts that you passed under EP/F for a letter grade.

  • The EP/F policy was first instituted during the beginning of the pandemic when there was a great deal of uncertainty. However, in this third semester of online learning, schools will expect students to have made some adjustments and adapted to this new format. EP/F is to be used for those exceptional circumstances (i.e. personal or family illness, extreme hardship) where the ability to do well academically is extremely challenged. There are many health professions schools that will not accept EP/F grades, particularly if there is an option to get a letter grade. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that Pre-Health students do not use EP/F after the spring 2020 semester.

  • Depending on the nature of the course and the requirement it might be fulfilling, you may be best served by withdrawing instead of choosing the EP/F option. For any courses that act as prerequisites for other courses, where the knowledge and skills you are currently learning is later utilized, withdrawing from the course and taking it again another semester may be the better option. If you are averaging a grade of D or D- in one of your courses and are uncertain which is a more appropriate option, please contact your Advising Dean.

  • No, the credit value will not change, regardless of grading structure.

  • The criteria for Dean’s List will remain the same for Spring 2020 and Fall 2020.

  • No, this grading option is for Tufts courses only. You must adhere to the grading scale offered by the outside university or your non-Tufts program provider. Pass/Fail transfer courses will only be accepted if your university or non-Tufts program provider adopts a mandatory Pass/Fail grading scheme for Spring 2020.

  • No, the Exceptional Pass/Fail option was not extended to Tufts courses for Summer 2020. Tufts Summer Session courses can be taken for a letter grade or declared regular pass/fail. If you plan to use the course towards a specific foundation, distribution, major, or minor requirement, the course must be taken for a letter grade. Elective courses counting toward overall credits can be taken pass/fail. Courses taken at other institutions must be taken for a letter grade. Only courses where a student has earned a C- or better will be eligible for transfer into Tufts, if other criteria are met.

Transfer Credit Policies

  • Students will be allowed to transfer in approved courses that were taught in an online format during Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, and Summer 2021 only. These courses can be from an accredited two- or four-year college or university. Students planning to take 1-11 credits at another university during a fall or spring semester should plan to take a personal leave of absence for the semester. Students planning to take 12 or more credits at another university during a fall or spring semester should take a study in home country leave of absence for the semester.

  • We strongly urge students to avoid MOOCs ("massive open online courses") because many of the courses offered as MOOCs (e.g., Coursera or EdX) do not confer college credit and do not provide an official transcript from an accredited college or university. Some MOOCs will provide an “online certificate” or “badge” to indicate completion, but these are not acceptable for college credit. Some MOOCs advertise their courses as “eligible for college credit,” but we urge students to read the fine print to ensure that there will be an official transcript bearing credit and a letter grade from a regionally-accredited college or university.

  • Coursework completed with a "pass" or equivalent will only be accepted for transfer credit if the institution adopted a mandatory pass/fail grading scheme during Spring 2020. All other transfer coursework must be completed with a C- or better to be eligible for transfer credit.

  • Matriculated Tufts students will be allowed to receive transfer credit for approved courses taken for credit at an accredited two-year college or community college that bestows associate degrees for courses taken during Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, and Summer 2021 only. Students planning to take 1-11 credits at another university during a fall or spring semester should plan to take a personal leave of absence for the semester. Students planning to take 12 or more credits at another university during a fall or spring semester should take a study in home country leave of absence for the semester.

  • Only Tufts summer courses, taken online or in person, count toward fulfillment of the academic residence requirement. Approved summer courses from other institutions may be used to fulfill various degree requirements, with the exception of the academic residence requirement.