Jumbo Spring Break Experiences

Core Experiences 

Jumbo Spring Break consists of three types of activities: civic engagement, social, and career-related. Each Jumbo Spring Break theme has all three elements. The five-day schedule will feature all three types of events. 

Jumbo Spring Break offers three themes in 2024. When you register, you will rank the themes in your order of preference. There are no work history or coursework prerequisites to participate in all of the themes.  

The full schedule for Jumbo Spring Break will be provided to registered participants in March. The schedule for each day will be robust, but not wall to wall. There will be meaningful civic and career experiences, but also social and fun experiences. There will also be a balance of highly structured events and more casual and optional time. This is a break, after all. 

Civic Engagement 

Jumbo Spring Break is putting civic engagement as the core of our experience, following the Tufts mission. JSB wants to make civic engagement an enticing and enjoyable experience where students are able to learn, give back to the community and feel a sense of belonging and purpose while doing work for others. You might work on a project with a municipality, health care organization, or non-profit. Through multiple different opportunities our goal is to promote civic engagement as a part of everyday life experiences and to give students the knowledge, skill and opportunity to get engaged with the community in a variety of fields of interests.  

Career Treks 

Career treks are a unique hands-on part of the experience that will offer an opportunity to all participants to visit companies and organizations related to the theme, learn about their unique cultures and values, and discover potential career paths. This could involve spending a day at a company, meeting the employers, listening to a presentation by one of the experts in a field, and meeting Tufts alums who work in the field. 


While each Jumbo Spring Break experience will involve civic engagement elements, social experiences, and career treks, the specific projects will be organized into three themes. You will rank each of the themes in your order of preference.  Final assignment to a theme will be made based on space availability. The civic engagement experience and career trek will be related to the theme. 

Politics and Government 

With primary elections coming up in the spring term and presidential elections being at the end of 2024, our politics and government theme will be centered around getting engaged with different government and political organizations in greater Boston area, as well as getting a view for possible career paths through them. This theme is made for all civically minded and politically curious Tufts students that want to be more involved with the real life problems and initiatives our community experiences.   


This theme focuses on experiences related to sustainability and green living, as well as exploring career treks in the fields of environmental studies, sustainability in innovation and climate change initiatives. The civic engagement will include a volunteering activity related to greener and sustainable living and the program will work closely with the local community in bringing the opportunity to Tufts students to learn more about the environmentally conscious way of living. 

Housing and Human Services 

Housing and human services theme will focus on issues such as housing affordability, food or nutrition insecurity, and medical needs. The theme will emphasize on the collaboration between local communities, though programs such as Habitat for Humanity, as well as offering an opportunity through a career track to meet professionals with careers centered around this initiative.  


The second core component of Jumbo Spring Break is building community and social connection. Each experience will offer an array of opportunities to socialize, expand friendships, and form genuine connections with other Tufts students. You can join JSB as a friend group, or on your own—everyone to feel welcomed and leave the experience enriched in friendships and memories that become an essential part of your Tufts experience. Get ready for lots of fun evening events, times to hangout, have genuine and reflective discussions, and memorable experiences on campus and in the greater Boston area.