Sexual Assault Resources

Content warning: This page and its links contain information about relationship violence and/or sexual assault.

Sexual assault is the act of committing unwelcome or unwanted physical contact of a sexual nature toward someone else. 

Sexual assault may include:

  • Rape
  • Domestic violence
  • Dating violence
  • Threats
  • Physical force
  • Intimidation
  • Ignoring objections
  • Causing intoxication and/or ignoring intoxication

If this has happened to you, CMHS can help. 

Getting Help

All Health and Wellness staff practice trauma-informed care. This means our staff are trained to help you with the emotional, social, and physical consequences of unwanted sexual experiences and strive to do so in a way that creates a sense of safety and transparency and that respects cultural, historical, and gender issues. 

Center for Awareness, Resources, and Education (CARE)

CARE is dedicated to providing confidential support to students affected by sexual misconduct. Sexual misconduct includes sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, and harassment. CARE can help you understand what options and resources are available to you, and CARE staff can help with coordinating interim measures regarding housing and academics.

Counseling and Mental Health Service (CMHS)

Counselors at CMHS can help you review your options, process experiences, develop coping strategies to manage emotions, and regain a sense of safety. 

Health Service (HS)

HS staff are experienced in responding effectively, empathically, and confidentially to students who have been sexually assaulted. HS staff can provide a physical exam and can help you make a decision about going to the hospital. 

Other Tufts Resources:

Tufts University Public Safety Department (TUPD) 

TUPD can help with transportation to the hospital in an emergency, contacting the Counselor on Call, safe housing on campus, reporting the assault if you wish to do so, and obtaining a restraining order. You can also contact the campus police by activating one of the blue light phones.

Emergency calls: 617-627-6911 or x66911

Main number: 617-627-3030 (this number can also be used to connect with the Counselor on Call)

Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) 

OEO is available for anyone wishing to make a report to the University. The complainant will be offered services and an opportunity to move the report into an investigation if they so wish.

Call: 617-627-3298

SafeRide Services

For your personal safety, TUPD provides vehicle transport between and around campus locations and to nearby transit stations, as well as to neighborhoods surrounding campus.

Call: 617-627-3030